The <javaClientGenerator> Element

The <javaClientGenerator> element is used to define properties of the Java client generator. The Java client Generator builds Java interfaces and classes that allow easy use of the generated Java model and XML map files. For MyBatis, the generated objects take the form of mapper interfaces. This element is a optional child element of the <context> element. If you do not specify this element, then MyBatis Generator (MBG) will not generate Java client interfaces and classes.

Required Attributes

Attribute Description
type This attribute is used to select one of the predefined Java Client generators, or to specify a user provided Java Client generator. Any user provided generator must extend the class org.mybatis.generator.codegen.AbstractJavaClientGenerator class, and must have a public default constructor.

The attribute accepts the following values for selecting one of the predefined generators:

If the <context> targetRuntime is MyBatis3DynamicSql this attribute is optional and ignored.
If the <context> targetRuntime is MyBatis3Kotlin this attribute is optional and ignored.
If the <context> targetRuntime is MyBatis3 the following predefined values can be used:
ANNOTATEDMAPPER The generated objects will be Java interfaces for the MyBatis 3.x mapper infrastructure. The interfaces will be based on annotations and MyBatis 3.x SqlProviders. No XML mapper files will be generated.

The ANNOTATEDMAPPER requires MyBatis version 3.0.4 or higher.

MIXEDMAPPER The generated objects will be Java interfaces for the MyBatis 3.x mapper infrastructure. The interfaces will be based on a mix of annotations and XML. An annotation will be used where a simple annotation will work. This client will not generate and Sql Provider, so all complex dynamic SQL will be generated in XML.

The MIXEDMAPPER requires MyBatis version 3.0.4 or higher.

XMLMAPPER The generated objects will be Java interfaces for the MyBatis 3.x mapper infrastructure. The interfaces will be dependent on generated XML mapper files.
If the <context> targetRuntime is MyBatis3Simple the following predefined values can be used:
ANNOTATEDMAPPER The generated objects will be Java interfaces for the MyBatis 3.x mapper infrastructure. The interfaces will be based on annotations and MyBatis 3.x SqlProviders. No XML mapper files will be generated.

The ANNOTATEDMAPPER requires MyBatis version 3.0.4 or higher.

XMLMAPPER The generated objects will be Java interfaces for the MyBatis 3.x mapper infrastructure. The interfaces will be dependent on generated XML mapper files.
targetPackage This is the package where the generated interfaces and implementation classes will be placed. In the default generators, the property "enableSubPackages" controls how the actual package is calculated. If true, then the calculated package will be the targetPackage plus sub packages for the table's catalog and schema if they exist. If "enableSubPackages" is false (the default) then the calculated package will be exactly what is specified in the targetPackage attribute. MBG will create folders as required for the generated packages.
targetProject This is used to specify a target project for the generated interfaces and classes. When running in the Eclipse environment, this specifies the project and source folder where the objects will be saved. In other environments, this value should be an existing directory on the local file system. MBG will not create this directory if it does not exist.

Child Elements

Supported Properties

This table lists the properties of the default SQL Map generators that can be specified with the <property> child element:

Property Name Property Values
dynamicSqlSupportPackage This property is only applicable to target runtimes MyBatis3DynamicSql or MyBatis3Kotlin. Use this property to set the package where generated MyBatis Dynamic SQL Support classes will be placed. The calculated package can be modified by the "enableSubPackages" property in the same way as the "targetPackage". If not specified, the package will be the same as "targetPackage" specified above.

Since version 1.4.1

enableSubPackages This property is used to select whether MBG will generate different Java packages for the objects based on the catalog and schema of the introspected table.

For example, suppose a table MYTABLE in schema MYSCHMA. Also suppose that the targetPackage attribute is set to "com.mycompany". If this property is true, the generated DAO interface and class for the table will be placed in the package "com.mycompany.myschema". If the property is false, the generated SQL Map will be placed in the "com.mycompany" schema.

The default value is false.

rootInterface This property is ignored if the target runtime is "MyBatis3Kotlin"
This property can be used to specify a super interface for all generated interface objects. This value may be overridden by specifying the rootInterface property on a Table configuration.

Important: MBG does not verify that the interface exists, or is a valid Java interface.

If specified, the value of this property should be a fully qualified interface name (like com.mycompany.MyRootInterface).


This element specifies that we always want to place generated interfaces and objects in the "'test.model" package and that we want to use subpackages based on the table schema and catalog. It also specifies that we want to generate mapper interfaces that reference an XML configuration file for MyBatis3.

<javaClientGenerator targetPackage="test.model"
     targetProject="\MyProject\src" type="XMLMAPPER">
  <property name="enableSubPackages" value="true" />