Interface SortSpecification

All Known Implementing Classes:
ColumnSortSpecification, SimpleSortSpecification, SqlColumn

public interface SortSpecification
Defines attributes of columns that are necessary for rendering an order by expression.
Jeff Butler
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns a new instance of the SortSpecification that should render as descending in an ORDER BY clause.
    Return true if the sort order is descending.
    Return the phrase that should be written into a rendered order by clause.
  • Method Details

    • descending

      SortSpecification descending()
      Returns a new instance of the SortSpecification that should render as descending in an ORDER BY clause.
      new instance of SortSpecification
    • orderByName

      String orderByName()
      Return the phrase that should be written into a rendered order by clause. This should NOT include the "DESC" word for descending sort specifications.
      the order by phrase
    • isDescending

      boolean isDescending()
      Return true if the sort order is descending.
      true if the SortSpecification should render as descending