* Copyright 2010-2024 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.mybatis.spring;
import static java.lang.reflect.Proxy.newProxyInstance;
import static org.apache.ibatis.reflection.ExceptionUtil.unwrapThrowable;
import static org.mybatis.spring.SqlSessionUtils.closeSqlSession;
import static org.mybatis.spring.SqlSessionUtils.getSqlSession;
import static org.mybatis.spring.SqlSessionUtils.isSqlSessionTransactional;
import static org.springframework.util.Assert.notNull;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.ibatis.cursor.Cursor;
import org.apache.ibatis.exceptions.PersistenceException;
import org.apache.ibatis.executor.BatchResult;
import org.apache.ibatis.session.Configuration;
import org.apache.ibatis.session.ExecutorType;
import org.apache.ibatis.session.ResultHandler;
import org.apache.ibatis.session.RowBounds;
import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSession;
import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSessionFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.DisposableBean;
import org.springframework.dao.support.PersistenceExceptionTranslator;
* Thread safe, Spring managed, {@code SqlSession} that works with Spring transaction management to ensure that the
* actual SqlSession used is the one associated with the current Spring transaction. In addition, it manages the session
* life-cycle, including closing, committing or rolling back the session as necessary based on the Spring transaction
* configuration.
* <p>
* The template needs a SqlSessionFactory to create SqlSessions, passed as a constructor argument. It also can be
* constructed indicating the executor type to be used, if not, the default executor type, defined in the session
* factory will be used.
* <p>
* This template converts MyBatis PersistenceExceptions into unchecked DataAccessExceptions, using, by default, a
* {@code MyBatisExceptionTranslator}.
* <p>
* Because SqlSessionTemplate is thread safe, a single instance can be shared by all DAOs; there should also be a small
* memory savings by doing this. This pattern can be used in Spring configuration files as follows:
* <pre class="code">
* {@code
* <bean id="sqlSessionTemplate" class="org.mybatis.spring.SqlSessionTemplate">
* <constructor-arg ref="sqlSessionFactory" />
* </bean>
* }
* </pre>
* @author Putthiphong Boonphong
* @author Hunter Presnall
* @author Eduardo Macarron
* @see SqlSessionFactory
* @see MyBatisExceptionTranslator
public class SqlSessionTemplate implements SqlSession, DisposableBean {
private final SqlSessionFactory sqlSessionFactory;
private final ExecutorType executorType;
private final SqlSession sqlSessionProxy;
private final PersistenceExceptionTranslator exceptionTranslator;
* Constructs a Spring managed SqlSession with the {@code SqlSessionFactory} provided as an argument.
* @param sqlSessionFactory
* a factory of SqlSession
public SqlSessionTemplate(SqlSessionFactory sqlSessionFactory) {
this(sqlSessionFactory, sqlSessionFactory.getConfiguration().getDefaultExecutorType());
* Constructs a Spring managed SqlSession with the {@code SqlSessionFactory} provided as an argument and the given
* {@code ExecutorType} {@code ExecutorType} cannot be changed once the {@code SqlSessionTemplate} is constructed.
* @param sqlSessionFactory
* a factory of SqlSession
* @param executorType
* an executor type on session
public SqlSessionTemplate(SqlSessionFactory sqlSessionFactory, ExecutorType executorType) {
this(sqlSessionFactory, executorType,
new MyBatisExceptionTranslator(sqlSessionFactory.getConfiguration().getEnvironment().getDataSource(), true));
* Constructs a Spring managed {@code SqlSession} with the given {@code SqlSessionFactory} and {@code ExecutorType}. A
* custom {@code SQLExceptionTranslator} can be provided as an argument so any {@code PersistenceException} thrown by
* MyBatis can be custom translated to a {@code RuntimeException} The {@code SQLExceptionTranslator} can also be null
* and thus no exception translation will be done and MyBatis exceptions will be thrown
* @param sqlSessionFactory
* a factory of SqlSession
* @param executorType
* an executor type on session
* @param exceptionTranslator
* a translator of exception
public SqlSessionTemplate(SqlSessionFactory sqlSessionFactory, ExecutorType executorType,
PersistenceExceptionTranslator exceptionTranslator) {
notNull(sqlSessionFactory, "Property 'sqlSessionFactory' is required");
notNull(executorType, "Property 'executorType' is required");
this.sqlSessionFactory = sqlSessionFactory;
this.executorType = executorType;
this.exceptionTranslator = exceptionTranslator;
this.sqlSessionProxy = (SqlSession) newProxyInstance(SqlSessionFactory.class.getClassLoader(),
new Class[] { SqlSession.class }, new SqlSessionInterceptor());
public SqlSessionFactory getSqlSessionFactory() {
return this.sqlSessionFactory;
public ExecutorType getExecutorType() {
return this.executorType;
public PersistenceExceptionTranslator getPersistenceExceptionTranslator() {
return this.exceptionTranslator;
public <T> T selectOne(String statement) {
return this.sqlSessionProxy.selectOne(statement);
public <T> T selectOne(String statement, Object parameter) {
return this.sqlSessionProxy.selectOne(statement, parameter);
public <K, V> Map<K, V> selectMap(String statement, String mapKey) {
return this.sqlSessionProxy.selectMap(statement, mapKey);
public <K, V> Map<K, V> selectMap(String statement, Object parameter, String mapKey) {
return this.sqlSessionProxy.selectMap(statement, parameter, mapKey);
public <K, V> Map<K, V> selectMap(String statement, Object parameter, String mapKey, RowBounds rowBounds) {
return this.sqlSessionProxy.selectMap(statement, parameter, mapKey, rowBounds);
public <T> Cursor<T> selectCursor(String statement) {
return this.sqlSessionProxy.selectCursor(statement);
public <T> Cursor<T> selectCursor(String statement, Object parameter) {
return this.sqlSessionProxy.selectCursor(statement, parameter);
public <T> Cursor<T> selectCursor(String statement, Object parameter, RowBounds rowBounds) {
return this.sqlSessionProxy.selectCursor(statement, parameter, rowBounds);
public <E> List<E> selectList(String statement) {
return this.sqlSessionProxy.selectList(statement);
public <E> List<E> selectList(String statement, Object parameter) {
return this.sqlSessionProxy.selectList(statement, parameter);
public <E> List<E> selectList(String statement, Object parameter, RowBounds rowBounds) {
return this.sqlSessionProxy.selectList(statement, parameter, rowBounds);
public void select(String statement, ResultHandler handler) {
this.sqlSessionProxy.select(statement, handler);
public void select(String statement, Object parameter, ResultHandler handler) {
this.sqlSessionProxy.select(statement, parameter, handler);
public void select(String statement, Object parameter, RowBounds rowBounds, ResultHandler handler) {
this.sqlSessionProxy.select(statement, parameter, rowBounds, handler);
public int insert(String statement) {
return this.sqlSessionProxy.insert(statement);
public int insert(String statement, Object parameter) {
return this.sqlSessionProxy.insert(statement, parameter);
public int update(String statement) {
return this.sqlSessionProxy.update(statement);
public int update(String statement, Object parameter) {
return this.sqlSessionProxy.update(statement, parameter);
public int delete(String statement) {
return this.sqlSessionProxy.delete(statement);
public int delete(String statement, Object parameter) {
return this.sqlSessionProxy.delete(statement, parameter);
public <T> T getMapper(Class<T> type) {
return getConfiguration().getMapper(type, this);
public void commit() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Manual commit is not allowed over a Spring managed SqlSession");
public void commit(boolean force) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Manual commit is not allowed over a Spring managed SqlSession");
public void rollback() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Manual rollback is not allowed over a Spring managed SqlSession");
public void rollback(boolean force) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Manual rollback is not allowed over a Spring managed SqlSession");
public void close() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Manual close is not allowed over a Spring managed SqlSession");
public void clearCache() {
public Configuration getConfiguration() {
return this.sqlSessionFactory.getConfiguration();
public Connection getConnection() {
return this.sqlSessionProxy.getConnection();
public List<BatchResult> flushStatements() {
return this.sqlSessionProxy.flushStatements();
* Allow gently dispose bean:
* <pre>
* {@code
* <bean id="sqlSession" class="org.mybatis.spring.SqlSessionTemplate">
* <constructor-arg index="0" ref="sqlSessionFactory" />
* </bean>
* }
* </pre>
* The implementation of {@link DisposableBean} forces spring context to use {@link DisposableBean#destroy()} method
* instead of {@link SqlSessionTemplate#close()} to shutdown gently.
* @see SqlSessionTemplate#close()
* @see "org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DisposableBeanAdapter#inferDestroyMethodIfNecessary(Object, RootBeanDefinition)"
* @see "org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DisposableBeanAdapter#CLOSE_METHOD_NAME"
public void destroy() throws Exception {
// This method forces spring disposer to avoid call of SqlSessionTemplate.close() which gives
// UnsupportedOperationException
* Proxy needed to route MyBatis method calls to the proper SqlSession got from Spring's Transaction Manager It also
* unwraps exceptions thrown by {@code Method#invoke(Object, Object...)} to pass a {@code PersistenceException} to the
* {@code PersistenceExceptionTranslator}.
private class SqlSessionInterceptor implements InvocationHandler {
public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
var sqlSession = getSqlSession(SqlSessionTemplate.this.sqlSessionFactory, SqlSessionTemplate.this.executorType,
try {
var result = method.invoke(sqlSession, args);
if (!isSqlSessionTransactional(sqlSession, SqlSessionTemplate.this.sqlSessionFactory)) {
// force commit even on non-dirty sessions because some databases require
// a commit/rollback before calling close()
return result;
} catch (Throwable t) {
var unwrapped = unwrapThrowable(t);
if (SqlSessionTemplate.this.exceptionTranslator != null && unwrapped instanceof PersistenceException) {
// release the connection to avoid a deadlock if the translator is no loaded. See issue #22
closeSqlSession(sqlSession, SqlSessionTemplate.this.sqlSessionFactory);
sqlSession = null;
Throwable translated = SqlSessionTemplate.this.exceptionTranslator
.translateExceptionIfPossible((PersistenceException) unwrapped);
if (translated != null) {
unwrapped = translated;
throw unwrapped;
} finally {
if (sqlSession != null) {
closeSqlSession(sqlSession, SqlSessionTemplate.this.sqlSessionFactory);