Informes Generados por Maven

Este documento presenta un resumen de varios informes que son generados automáticamente por Maven . Cada informe está descrito brevemente más adelante.


Documento Descripción
Javadoc Documentación de API Javadoc.
Source Xref HTML based, cross-reference version of Java source code.
Test Source Xref HTML based, cross-reference version of Java test source code.
SpotBugs Genera un reporte del código fuente con la Librería SpotBugs.
Surefire Report on the test results of the project.
Checkstyle Report on coding style conventions.
CPD Duplicate code detection.
PMD Verification of coding rules.
Tag List Report on various tags found in the code.
Clirr Report on binary and source API differences between releases
Dependency Updates Report Provides details of the dependencies which have updated versions available.
Parent Updates Report Provides information on parent artifact updates
Plugin Updates Report Provides details of the plugins used by this project which have newer versions available.
Property Updates Report Provides details of properties which control versions of dependencies and/or plugins, and indicates any newer versions which are available.
JaCoCo JaCoCo Coverage Report.