Interface CommonSelectMapper

public interface CommonSelectMapper
This is a general purpose MyBatis mapper for select statements. It allows you to execute select statements without having to write a custom ResultMap for each statement.

This mapper contains three types of methods:

  • The selectOneMappedRow and selectManyMappedRows methods allow you to use select statements with any number of columns. MyBatis will process the rows and return a Map of values, or a List of Maps.
  • The selectOne and selectMany methods also allow you to use select statements with any number of columns. These methods also allow you to specify a function that will transform a Map of row values into a specific object.
  • The other methods are for result sets with a single column. There are functions for many data types (Integer, Long, String, etc.) There are also functions that return a single value, and Optional value, or a List of values.

This mapper can be injected as-is into a MyBatis configuration, or it can be extended with existing mappers.

Jeff Butler
  • Method Details

    • selectOneMappedRow

      @SelectProvider(type=SqlProviderAdapter.class, method="select") Map<String,Object> selectOneMappedRow(SelectStatementProvider selectStatement)
      Select a single row as a Map of values. The row may have any number of columns. The Map key will be the column name as returned from the database (may be aliased if an alias is specified in the select statement). Map entries will be of data types determined by the JDBC driver. MyBatis will call ResultSet.getObject() to retrieve values from the ResultSet. Reference your JDBC driver documentation to learn about type mappings for your specific database.
      selectStatement - the select statement
      A Map containing the row values.
    • selectOne

      default <R> R selectOne(SelectStatementProvider selectStatement, Function<Map<String,Object>,R> rowMapper)
      Select a single row of values and then convert the values to a custom type. This is similar to the Spring JDBC template method of processing result sets. In this case, MyBatis will first extract the row values into a Map, and then a row mapper can retrieve values from the Map and use them to construct a custom object.

      See selectOneMappedRow(SelectStatementProvider) for details about how MyBatis will construct the Map of values.

      Type Parameters:
      R - the datatype of the converted object
      selectStatement - the select statement
      rowMapper - a function that will convert a Map of row values to the desired data type
      the converted object
    • selectManyMappedRows

      @SelectProvider(type=SqlProviderAdapter.class, method="select") List<Map<String,Object>> selectManyMappedRows(SelectStatementProvider selectStatement)
      Select any number of rows and return a List of Maps containing row values (one Map for each row returned). The rows may have any number of columns. The Map key will be the column name as returned from the database (may be aliased if an alias is specified in the select statement). Map entries will be of data types determined by the JDBC driver. MyBatis will call ResultSet.getObject() to retrieve values from the ResultSet. Reference your JDBC driver documentation to learn about type mappings for your specific database.
      selectStatement - the select statement
      A List of Maps containing the row values.
    • selectMany

      default <R> List<R> selectMany(SelectStatementProvider selectStatement, Function<Map<String,Object>,R> rowMapper)
      Select any number of rows and then convert the values to a custom type. This is similar to the Spring JDBC template method of processing result sets. In this case, MyBatis will first extract the row values into a List of Map, and them a row mapper can retrieve values from the Map and use them to construct a custom object for each row.
      Type Parameters:
      R - the datatype of the converted object
      selectStatement - the select statement
      rowMapper - a function that will convert a Map of row values to the desired data type
      the List of converted objects
    • selectOneBigDecimal

      @SelectProvider(type=SqlProviderAdapter.class, method="select") BigDecimal selectOneBigDecimal(SelectStatementProvider selectStatement)
      Retrieve a single BigDecimal from a result set. The result set must have only one column and one or zero rows. The column must be retrievable from the result set via the ResultSet.getBigDecimal() method.
      selectStatement - the select statement
      the extracted value. May be null if zero rows are returned, or if the returned column is null
    • selectOptionalBigDecimal

      @SelectProvider(type=SqlProviderAdapter.class, method="select") Optional<BigDecimal> selectOptionalBigDecimal(SelectStatementProvider selectStatement)
      Retrieve a single BigDecimal from a result set. The result set must have only one column and one or zero rows. The column must be retrievable from the result set via the ResultSet.getBigDecimal() method.
      selectStatement - the select statement
      the extracted value. The Optional will be empty if zero rows are returned, or if the returned column is null
    • selectManyBigDecimals

      @SelectProvider(type=SqlProviderAdapter.class, method="select") List<BigDecimal> selectManyBigDecimals(SelectStatementProvider selectStatement)
      Retrieve a List of BigDecimal from a result set. The result set must have only one column, but can have any number of rows. The column must be retrievable from the result set via the ResultSet.getBigDecimal() method.
      selectStatement - the select statement
      the list of extracted values. Any value may be null if a column in the result set is null
    • selectOneDouble

      @SelectProvider(type=SqlProviderAdapter.class, method="select") Double selectOneDouble(SelectStatementProvider selectStatement)
      Retrieve a single Double from a result set. The result set must have only one column and one or zero rows. The column must be retrievable from the result set via the ResultSet.getDouble() method.
      selectStatement - the select statement
      the extracted value. May be null if zero rows are returned, or if the returned column is null
    • selectOptionalDouble

      @SelectProvider(type=SqlProviderAdapter.class, method="select") Optional<Double> selectOptionalDouble(SelectStatementProvider selectStatement)
      Retrieve a single Double from a result set. The result set must have only one column and one or zero rows. The column must be retrievable from the result set via the ResultSet.getDouble() method.
      selectStatement - the select statement
      the extracted value. The Optional will be empty if zero rows are returned, or if the returned column is null
    • selectManyDoubles

      @SelectProvider(type=SqlProviderAdapter.class, method="select") List<Double> selectManyDoubles(SelectStatementProvider selectStatement)
      Retrieve a List of Double from a result set. The result set must have only one column, but can have any number of rows. The column must be retrievable from the result set via the ResultSet.getDouble() method.
      selectStatement - the select statement
      the list of extracted values. Any value may be null if a column in the result set is null
    • selectOneInteger

      @SelectProvider(type=SqlProviderAdapter.class, method="select") Integer selectOneInteger(SelectStatementProvider selectStatement)
      Retrieve a single Integer from a result set. The result set must have only one column and one or zero rows. The column must be retrievable from the result set via the ResultSet.getInt() method.
      selectStatement - the select statement
      the extracted value. May be null if zero rows are returned, or if the returned column is null
    • selectOptionalInteger

      @SelectProvider(type=SqlProviderAdapter.class, method="select") Optional<Integer> selectOptionalInteger(SelectStatementProvider selectStatement)
      Retrieve a single Integer from a result set. The result set must have only one column and one or zero rows. The column must be retrievable from the result set via the ResultSet.getInt() method.
      selectStatement - the select statement
      the extracted value. The Optional will be empty if zero rows are returned, or if the returned column is null
    • selectManyIntegers

      @SelectProvider(type=SqlProviderAdapter.class, method="select") List<Integer> selectManyIntegers(SelectStatementProvider selectStatement)
      Retrieve a List of Integer from a result set. The result set must have only one column, but can have any number of rows. The column must be retrievable from the result set via the ResultSet.getInt() method.
      selectStatement - the select statement
      the list of extracted values. Any value may be null if a column in the result set is null
    • selectOneLong

      @SelectProvider(type=SqlProviderAdapter.class, method="select") Long selectOneLong(SelectStatementProvider selectStatement)
      Retrieve a single Long from a result set. The result set must have only one column and one or zero rows. The column must be retrievable from the result set via the ResultSet.getLong() method.
      selectStatement - the select statement
      the extracted value. May be null if zero rows are returned, or if the returned column is null
    • selectOptionalLong

      @SelectProvider(type=SqlProviderAdapter.class, method="select") Optional<Long> selectOptionalLong(SelectStatementProvider selectStatement)
      Retrieve a single Long from a result set. The result set must have only one column and one or zero rows. The column must be retrievable from the result set via the ResultSet.getLong() method.
      selectStatement - the select statement
      the extracted value. The Optional will be empty if zero rows are returned, or if the returned column is null
    • selectManyLongs

      @SelectProvider(type=SqlProviderAdapter.class, method="select") List<Long> selectManyLongs(SelectStatementProvider selectStatement)
      Retrieve a List of Long from a result set. The result set must have only one column, but can have any number of rows. The column must be retrievable from the result set via the ResultSet.getLong() method.
      selectStatement - the select statement
      the list of extracted values. Any value may be null if a column in the result set is null
    • selectOneString

      @SelectProvider(type=SqlProviderAdapter.class, method="select") String selectOneString(SelectStatementProvider selectStatement)
      Retrieve a single String from a result set. The result set must have only one column and one or zero rows. The column must be retrievable from the result set via the ResultSet.getString() method.
      selectStatement - the select statement
      the extracted value. May be null if zero rows are returned, or if the returned column is null
    • selectOptionalString

      @SelectProvider(type=SqlProviderAdapter.class, method="select") Optional<String> selectOptionalString(SelectStatementProvider selectStatement)
      Retrieve a single String from a result set. The result set must have only one column and one or zero rows. The column must be retrievable from the result set via the ResultSet.getString() method.
      selectStatement - the select statement
      the extracted value. The Optional will be empty if zero rows are returned, or if the returned column is null
    • selectManyStrings

      @SelectProvider(type=SqlProviderAdapter.class, method="select") List<String> selectManyStrings(SelectStatementProvider selectStatement)
      Retrieve a List of String from a result set. The result set must have only one column, but can have any number of rows. The column must be retrievable from the result set via the ResultSet.getString() method.
      selectStatement - the select statement
      the list of extracted values. Any value may be null if a column in the result set is null