Tag List Report

The following document contains the listing of user tags found in the code. Below is the summary of the occurrences per tag.

Tag Class Total number of occurrences Tag strings used by tag class
Deprecated Work 32 @deprecated
FIXME Work 0 fixme, @fixme
Todo Work 8 todo, @todo

Each tag is detailed below:

Deprecated Work

Number of occurrences found in the code: 32

org.apache.ibatis.builder.MapperBuilderAssistant Line
Use {@link Configuration#getLanguageDriver(Class)} 398
org.apache.ibatis.builder.annotation.ProviderSqlSource Line
Since 3.5.3, Please use the {@link #ProviderSqlSource(Configuration, Annotation, Class, Method)} instead of this. 56
Since 3.5.3, Please use the {@link #ProviderSqlSource(Configuration, Annotation, Class, Method)} instead of this. 78
org.apache.ibatis.cache.NullCacheKey Line
Since 3.5.3, This class never used and will be removed future version. 21
org.apache.ibatis.executor.loader.cglib.CglibProxyFactory Line
Since 3.5.10, use Javassist instead. 46
org.apache.ibatis.executor.loader.cglib.CglibSerialStateHolder Line
Since 3.5.10, use Javassist instead. 28
org.apache.ibatis.jdbc.ScriptRunner Line
Since 3.5.4, this method is deprecated. Please close the {@link Connection} outside of this class. 166
org.apache.ibatis.jdbc.SelectBuilder Line
Use the {@link SQL} Class 19
org.apache.ibatis.jdbc.SqlBuilder Line
Use the {@link SQL} Class 19
org.apache.ibatis.jdbc.SqlRunner Line
Since 3.5.4, this method is deprecated. Please close the {@link Connection} outside of this class. 204
org.apache.ibatis.logging.LogFactory Line
Since 3.5.9 - See https://github.com/mybatis/mybatis-3/issues/1223. This method will remove future. 73
org.apache.ibatis.logging.log4j.Log4jImpl Line
Since 3.5.9 - See https://github.com/mybatis/mybatis-3/issues/1223. This class will remove future. 25
org.apache.ibatis.logging.log4j.package-info Line
Since 3.5.9 - See https://github.com/mybatis/mybatis-3/issues/1223. This package will remove future. 19
org.apache.ibatis.mapping.MappedStatement Line
Use {@link #resultSets} 193
Use {@link #getResultSets()} 312
org.apache.ibatis.reflection.Jdk Line
Since 3.5.0, Will remove this field at feature(next major version up) 28
Since 3.5.0, Will remove this field at feature(next major version up) 45
Since 3.5.0, Will remove this field at feature(next major version up) 62
org.apache.ibatis.reflection.OptionalUtil Line
Since 3.5.0, Will remove this class at future(next major version up). 21
org.apache.ibatis.scripting.xmltags.ExpressionEvaluator Line
Since 3.5.9, use the {@link #evaluateIterable(String, Object, boolean)}. 43
org.apache.ibatis.scripting.xmltags.ForEachSqlNode Line
Since 3.5.9, use the {@link #ForEachSqlNode(Configuration, SqlNode, String, Boolean, String, String, String, String, String)}. 42
org.apache.ibatis.session.Configuration Line
You can safely remove the call to this method as this option had no effect. 459
You can safely remove the call to this method as this option had no effect. 467
Use {@link #getDefaultScriptingLanguageInstance()} 699
call {@link #parsePendingStatements(boolean)} 848
call {@link #parsePendingCacheRefs(boolean)} 865
call {@link #parsePendingResultMaps(boolean)} 882
call {@link #parsePendingMethods(boolean)} 908
org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession Line
Since 3.5.5 324
org.apache.ibatis.type.BaseTypeHandler Line
Since 3.5.0 - See https://github.com/mybatis/mybatis-3/issues/1203. This field will remove future. 41
Since 3.5.0 - See https://github.com/mybatis/mybatis-3/issues/1203. This property will remove future. 52
org.apache.ibatis.type.UnknownTypeHandler Line
Since 3.5.4, please use the {@link #UnknownTypeHandler(Configuration)}. 59

Todo Work

Number of occurrences found in the code: 8

org.apache.ibatis.builder.annotation.MapperAnnotationBuilder Line
add AutoMappingBehaviour 243
add AutoMappingBehaviour 256
gcode issue #577 352
org.apache.ibatis.executor.BaseExecutorTest Line
see issue #464. Fail is OK. 339
org.apache.ibatis.executor.result.DefaultMapResultHandler Line
is that assignment always true? 52
org.apache.ibatis.executor.resultset.DefaultResultSetHandler Line
is that OK? 525
org.apache.ibatis.type.TypeReference Line
remove this when Reflector is fixed to return Types 52
org.apache.ibatis.type.UnknownTypeHandler Line
Rename to 'configuration' after removing the 'configuration' property(deprecated property) on parent class 36