Package org.apache.ibatis.annotations
package org.apache.ibatis.annotations
Contains all the annotation that are used in mapper interfaces.
ClassDescriptionThe annotation that specify a mapping definition for the constructor argument.The marker annotation that indicate a constructor for automatic mapping.The annotation that specify to use cache on namespace(e.g. mapper interface).The annotation that reference a cache.The annotation that conditional mapping definition for
.The annotation that be grouping mapping definitions for constructor.The annotation that specify an SQL for deleting record(s).The container annotation forDelete
.The annotation that specify a method that provide an SQL for deleting record(s).The container annotation forDeleteProvider
.The maker annotation that invoke a flush statements via Mapper interface.The annotation that specify an SQL for inserting record(s).The container annotation forInsert
.The annotation that specify a method that provide an SQL for inserting record(s).The container annotation forInsertProvider
.The annotation that specify aLanguageDriver
to use.The annotation that specify the nested statement for retrieving collections.The annotation that specify the property name(or column name) for a key value ofMap
.Marker interface for MyBatis mappers.The annotation that specify the nested statement for retrieving single object.The annotation that specify options for customizing default behaviors.The options for theOptions.flushCache()
.The container annotation forOptions
.The annotation that specify the parameter name.The annotation that inject a property value.The annotation that specify a mapping definition for the property.The annotation that specify result map names to use.The annotation that be grouping mapping definitions for property.This annotation can be used when a @Select method is using a ResultHandler.The annotation that specify an SQL for retrieving record(s).The container annotation forSelect
.The annotation that specify an SQL for retrieving a key value.The container annotation forSelectKey
.The annotation that specify a method that provide an SQL for retrieving record(s).The container annotation forSelectProvider
.The annotation that be grouping conditional mapping definitions.The annotation that specify an SQL for updating record(s).The container annotation forUpdate
.The annotation that specify a method that provide an SQL for updating record(s).The container annotation forUpdateProvider