All Classes and Interfaces

Allows bind a Class to an already defined type alias.
Provides the Apache commons-dbcp BasicDataSource.
Provides the C3P0 DataSource.
Provides the myBatis Configuration.
Allows configuration settings to be applied to configuration.
Marker for ConfigurationSetting interfaces.
Provides the Apache commons-dbcp DriverAdapterCPDS.
Provides the Druid DataSource.
Provides the myBatis Environment.
Provides the HikariCP DataSource.
Enum of isolation levels.
Helper to bind JDBC.driver and JDBC.url properties.
Provides the myBatis built-in JndiDataSourceFactory.
A generic MyBatis mapper provider.
Easy to use helper Module that alleviates users to write the boilerplate google-guice bindings to create the SqlSessionFactory.
Provides the Apache commons-dbcp PerUserPoolDataSource.
Provides the myBatis built-in PooledDataSource.
Provides the Apache commons-dbcp SharedPoolDataSource.
Builds the SqlSessionFactory ant let google-guice injects his components.
Any method marked with this annotation will be considered for transactionality.
The TxType element of the annotation indicates whether a bean method is to be executed within a transaction context where the values provide the following corresponding behavior.
Method interceptor for Transactional annotation.
Method interceptor for Transactional annotation.
Bind the given TypeHandler to an already defined type.
A generic MyBatis type provider.
Provides the myBatis built-in UnpooledDataSource.
Easy to use helper Module that alleviates users to write the boilerplate google-guice bindings to create the SqlSessionFactory, via XML configuration.